UBICACIÓN GEOGRÁFICA. Geographic location is the identification of a specific place on the planet, through the use of various tools such as maps, compasses, coordinates or geolocation systems. Gramar: IN: P reposition to refer to cities within the country. OF: P reposition to refer to countries TO: P reposition to refer to borders ON: P reposition to refer to coasts and rivers . PLATO MAGDALENA. Plate, is located to the South of the Department magdalena, li mits to the North in the Municipality of Tenerife, to the South the Municipality of Santa Bárbara de Pinto, the northwest with the Municipality of Chivolo, to the west with the Magdalena River. RIKS. The risks that the township of Magdalena suffers are flooding due to winter waves, and this affects the vast majority of the population. Some sectors of the population of Magdalena can be quite dark, sometimes the fog is too foggy and this can cause respiratory problems. TRADITIONS. In Plato you have to enj...